ObjectDock is not starting at startup
Disable this option: If it exists, delete this from startup in your start menu: Re-enable this: Exit OD before you reboot. Reboot and see if that resolves your issue. If that still fails, please...
View ArticleWhat languages do the applications support?
In addition to English, the following languages are supported. If an application is not listed, it supports only English. If a language is not listed, it is not supported. Start8: - Armenian (hy.lng)-...
View ArticleIs Start8 compatible with Windows 8.1?
The most current version of Start8 works with Windows 8.1 update 1. You can install it now and when you update to 8.1 you should be good to go. Serials and download links can be accessed by logging in...
View ArticleWhere can I find change logs for the applications?
Decor8: http://www.stardock.com/products/decor8/history.asp DeskScapes: http://www.stardock.com/products/deskscapes/history.asp Fences: http://www.stardock.com/products/fences/history.asp Launch8:...
View ArticleI did not receive my verification or trial activation email.
Please try the following: -Try to activate the trial again so as to trigger sending another activation email -Check your spam \ junk folder -If you have your mail forwarded from another web based...
View ArticleFailed to start game (missing executable)
If you're seeing this error: "Failed to start game(missing executable)" then most likely your anti-virus is removing the games .exe file which is needed to run the game. From this Steam page you may...
View ArticleHow do I install a new ShadowFX theme?
After downloading the file(you may need to unzip it) double click the .shadowfxtheme file and it will install into ShadowFX. Open ShadowFX and from the drop down you should now see the new shadow...
View ArticleHow to extract and install Premium Themes
After downloading the .zip file extract it to your desktop. Open the folder that's created and you'll see a few folders and files. Gadgets IconPackager Wallpaper WindowBlinds Follow along the...
View ArticleRestore a Fences Snapshot
Fences (version 2.0 and greater) includes a "snapshot" system that will periodically capture your Fences settings and appearance configuration. If you are experiencing issues with the placement or...
View ArticleFences Volume Configuration
Fences Volume Configuration Overview Considerations Install Fences Creating and Saving the Layout Template Applying the Layout Template Important Notes Advanced Topics Creating Default Shortcuts...
View ArticleNo menu displayed when clicking the start button
For instances where the native Windows 10 start menu, and Start10, do not work (no menu when clicked), please see the following:...
View ArticleStart10 is not searching for all of my files
Please first ensure the "Search should include files outside the standard libraries" feature is enabled in the Start10 configuration menu: - Load Start10- In the menu on the left, select "Desktop"-...
View ArticleHow to get the Windows 7 style start menu
Hello, Please see the following knowledgebase article: http://esupport.stardock.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/436/156/how-to-get-the-windows-7-style-start-menu Please let me know if this...
View ArticleHow can I get my registration / product key information
Product Key Retrieval: For customers that did not create a Stardock account when purchasing ('Guest Checkout'), and you have lost the email sent to you with your product keys, please use the link below...
View ArticleHow to activate our current software with the command prompt
An alternative method to activating our current applications can be done via the command prompt: cmd.exe The following command line will activate the application without exposing the UI. Ignore the...
View ArticleI cannot activate my game
For users that are having issues activating the following games (Demigod, Fallen Enchantress, Fallen Enchantress - Legendary Heroes, GalCiv II Ultimate, Sins Rebellion, Sins Trinity, The Political...
View ArticleHow to deactivate our current software with the command prompt
An alternative method to deactivating our current applications can be done via the command prompt: cmd.exe The following command line will activate the application without exposing the UI. Simply copy...
View ArticleGeneral Game Troubleshooting
This is a general knowledgebase article for troubleshooting installation and in-game technical issues. Each game tile, however, has specific categories as well. If your issues is related to...
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