In addition to English, the following languages are supported. If an application is not listed, it supports only English. If a language is not listed, it is not supported.
- Armenian (hy.lng)
- Arabic (ar.lng)
- Brazilian Portuguese (br-pt.lng)
- Chinese Simplified (zh.lng)
- Chinese Traditional (tw.lng)
- Czech (cs.lng)
- Dutch (nl.lng)
- French (fr.lng)
- German (de.lng)
- Hebrew (he.lng)
- Hungarian (hu.lng)
- Italian (it.lng)
- Japanese (jp.lng)
- Korean (ko.lng)
- Polish (pt.lng)
- Spanish (es.lng)
- Swedish (sv.lng)
- Russian (ru.lng)
- Turkish (tr.lng)
- Arabic (ar.lng)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br.lng)
- Chinese Simplified (zh.lng)
- Chinese Traditional (zh-tw.lng)
- French (fr.lng)
- Hungarian (hu.lng)
- Indonesian (id.lng)
- Japanese (ja.lng)
- Spanish (es.lng)
- Turkish (tr.lng)
- Arabic (ar.lng)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br.lng)
- Chinese Simplified (zh.lng)
- Chinese Traditional (zh-tw.lng)
- French (fr.lng)
- Hungarian (hu.lng)
- Japanese (ja.lng)
- Spanish (es.lng)
- Turkish (tr.lng)
DeskScapes 8:
- Dutch (Dutch.lng)
- Português (Português (Brasil).lng)
- Traditional Chinese (Traditional Chinese.lng)
IconPackager 5:
- Arabic (Arabic.lng)
- Italian (Italian.lng)
- Japanese (Japanese.lng)
Typically, language files are stored within the 'Lang' folder where the application is installed. The application will detect what language the system has and apply the appropriate language file. If the system is in a language that is not supported, the application will default to English.
**** If this does not resolve the issue, please contact support: Submit a ticket ****